Solutions > Treatments > Lake Aid Oxy

Algae Control and Oxygenator

Lake Aid Oxy is a treatment designed to control Blue Green Algae (BGA) as well as many Filamentous algae’s (Blanket Weed). At lower dose rates it can also be used to provide a rapid, almost instant boost to dissolved oxygen (DO) in waterbodies, very useful for supporting fish communities that are in distress.

Lake Aid Oxy should be considered a short, sharp remedy to removing blue-green algae and diatoms.

Lake Aid Oxy information and uses:

  • Instantly increases the oxygen content of the water

  • Instantly kills algae and diatoms

  • Improves fish health

  • Clarifies green water

  • Acts as a sanitiser treatment for aquaculture and fisheries water

  • Enhances water quality

  • Improves aesthetic landscape appeal

For use in: 

  • Fisheries, ponds, lakes, reservoirs, drinking water sources.

  • Golf courses and ornamental water

Lake Aid Oxy is a non-invasive way to treat ponds and lakes without removing fish or draining the water.   It is safe for fish, invertebrates and the wider environment however do avoid unnecessary direct contact with desired plants.   Lake Aid  oxy is best applied by qualified persons to achieve optimum results.


FISHERIES – Dissolved oxygen (DO)

Lake Aid Oxy will reverse dissolved oxygen (DO) depletion almost instantly so is an excellent ‘fail safe’ against fish kill caused by reduced DO in fisheries.  The recommended dose rate to elevate DO is 20mg/m2, the dose should be reapplied as often as is required to support the DO in solution.



Lake Aid Oxy will at the correct dosage kill blue/green algae (BGA), also known as cyanobacteria, as well as diatoms and filamentous algae (blanket weed). One of the key maintenance issues in sustaining a balanced aquatic life in fisheries. As a result of this side effect it may be necessary, following treatment, to remove dead algae accumulating on the water surface.  The recommended dose rate to kill BGA is 80-100mg/m2, the dose should be reapplied after 5-10 days; following the second dose the BGA population should be reassessed and if required a third treatment applied.

Remember Lake Aid Oxy as well as reversing low DO and killing BGA and blanket weed will help to create the balance needed by  a vibrant environment for fish and all aquatic life.

Lake Aid Oxy is safe for use where public access to the water is permitted and totally harmless to pets and wildfowl.



Golf clubs use a lot of water for irrigation, to provide other facilities e.g.
fishing and contribute to the natural function of aquatic ecosystems and surrounding wildlife. The use of Lake Aid Oxy will provide an economic and effective solution in keeping stored water in top condition. Lake Aid Oxy will reduce the need to clear pump systems by reducing algal loading and fouling filtration and pumps.

Purchase in 25kg sacks (minimum order 1 tonne). Specialist advice is required for handling and applying Lake Aid Oxy. We also recommend using specialist PPE.

Lake Aid is a trading name of A.G.A. GROUP CONSULTANCY LIMITED (Company number 11437658).