Lake Water Treatments

Our range of lake water treatments are designed to promote a balanced and healthy ecosystem. The range is suited to addressing a number of specific circumstances including biological silt reduction and algae control.

Naturally, any sort of biological or mechanical intervention should be proportionate to the problem and should be made with a clear understanding of the expected results.

Lake Aid Water Treatments are designed in-house at our Merton Hall Ponds Nursery so if you have any questions, no matter how seemingly insignificant, please don't hesitate to ask.

Why is algae a problem?

Not only a crucial component of the aquatic food chain, marine algae (phytoplankton) also absorb ozone-damaging carbon dioxide and through the process of photosynthesis, produce at least half the Earth’s oxygen. All sounds great, right?

All life that requires oxygen is dependent on algae, so whilst we talk extensively about restricting algal growth, it’s always in relation to a specific set of circumstances. The total removal of algae, whilst impossible (not least since algae doesn’t just live in water), would actually be catastrophic for humankind.

However, there is a paradox.

There are many different types of algae (thousands), but in still-water, much like in the ocean, rapid algae growth can cause a major problem for the ecosystem. Even on a small scale, a nutrient influx, caused for instance by the leaching of fertilisers or an increase in sediment washed in from surrounding land can quickly lead to what’s called an ‘algal bloom’.

Blooms are a dense blanket of algae that prevent sunlight from reaching other aquatic organisms, leading to a depletion of oxygen levels in the water. Less dissolved oxygen means that fish and invertebrate mortality increases, directly impacting the food chain. What’s more, as the algae die and decompose, it adds to the hydro-silt, increasing anaerobic action, adding to the imbalance of the ecosystem.

What are the options to limit algal growth?

The perfect solution is for any given body of water to have a perfect natural balance of nutrients – everything in moderation!

All the while we need to eat (and farm), stay dry (and build houses) and while we need to manage water as an amenity (for infrastructure or for recreation), there will always be a need to intervene with mechanical or biological measures to offset the impact of human activity.

Over thirty years of Ecological Consultancy has given us extensive insight to develop the above range of market-leading products designed to promote a healthy ecosystem for lakes, ponds and rivers.